Caleb Leadership Development Course – Qualification Route
Gain a Level 3 (A Level Standard) qualification in Christian LeadershipCLDC Starter Pack
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What’s included?
- The 4 compulsory modules of the Christian Leadership qualification
- Registration for the qualification
- Assignment marking & feedback
Note: A reference from a church leader will be required before you can go on to buy and access the other sets which will enable you to gain your qualification.
Course Fee Discounts
The fees shown on our website are set for online learners and reflect the lower costs involved. That said, one of our core values is to make it possible for everyone to access our courses. As such, if you feel that you are eligible to receive a discount on any of our fees, please write to us by clicking the ‘CONTACT’ button below and explaining your situation. For example, you may live in a country where wages are low, or you may be a missionary or student with limited means. We want to do whatever we can to make it possible for you to study with us and will therefore consider your case discreetly and compassionately.
Course Description
The Caleb Leadership Development Course (CLDC) has been granted Qualification status by AIM Qualifications, which is regulated by Ofqual – the UK Government Qualifications Board. The course is designed to give experienced or aspiring leaders a balanced equipping and development programme that covers many essential leadership themes. Each module involves an in-depth examination of the many practical aspects and skills that make excellent leaders. The whole course comprises of 21 Modules arranged in 5 Sets (4 modules in Sets 1-4 and 5 modules in Set 5). By purchasing a Set you can save 20% off the individual module price.
NB: All 21 modules are designed to give a truly comprehensive, well rounded leadership development course. As such, we would strongly recommend that you study all 21 of them, as this will significantly enhance your leadership ability – even though qualifications can be obtained by submitting assignments for a much smaller number. See below.
There are two UK Level 3 Qualification options:
- Level 3 AWARD Qualification in Christian Leadership, achieved by completing the Starter pack + ONE other module.
- Level 3 CERTIFICATE Qualification in Christian Leadership (British ‘A level’ standard), achieved by completing the Starter pack + TEN other modules.
This qualification will also enable all those who wish to pursue Higher Education on a distance learning basis, to become eligible to receive Recognised Prior Learning credits from the South African Theological Seminary, who we have partnered with.
Starter Pack Modules (Set 1)
The Starter Pack contains all of the compulsory modules set by AIM Qualifications and includes access to the 12 videos; AIM’s’s fees, Marking fees and downloadable sets of notes and slides for each of the four modules. The Starter Pack opens the door to obtain the two qualifications described above.
Module 1: The Urgent Nature of The Leadership Call
Taking the stand that everything falls and stands on the quality of its leaders, Biblical answers are sought as to why the Church desperately needs healed, mentored, equipped and released leaders, capable of spiritual reproduction and empowerment.
Module 3: The Essential Qualities and Unique Style that make Dynamic and Successful Leaders
We take an in-depth look at the essential qualities and heart that mark people out as good leaders and which cause others to follow them. The sessions are practical and devoted to helping leaders discover, explore and develop their unique leadership style.
Module 7: Developing and Honing Your Leadership Skills
Taking the stand that we can all develop better leadership skills, this session explores what these vital skills are. We unpack the leadership skills that are required to harness the power of team dynamics and explain how to practically develop these skills.
Module 8: The Essential Need for Kingdom Leadership Soul Mentoring
The concept of developing a well-rounded soul is considered and how God is intent on bringing deliverance and healing from the inner, lie-based strongholds created by wounds from our past. The skills involved in ministering to and mentoring people are then examined.
CLDC Starter Pack
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What’s included?
- The 4 compulsory modules of the Christian leadership qualification
- Registration for the qualification
- Assignment marking for the 4 modules & feedback
Note: A reference from a church leader will be required before you can go on to buy and access the other sets which will enable you to gain your qualification.
Two Available Qualifications in Christian Leadership
Gain a UK ‘Level 3’ Qualification; which is the same standard as an ‘A Level’

Award Qualification - Complete 5 Modules
Total Cost: £180
To gain this qualification, complete the Starter Pack and select ONE other module. NB: Before you can purchase your 5th module and gain your qualification, we will require your full name, DOB, email address and a note from your Pastor or Senior Church Leader confirming that they recognize leadership potential in you and are therefore happy for you to gain such a qualification in leadership.

Certificate Qualification - Complete 14 Modules
Total Cost: £400
To gain this qualification, complete the Starter Pack and select a further TEN modules. NB: Before you can purchase your 5th and successive modules and gain your qualification, we will require your full name, DOB, email address and a note from your Pastor or Senior Church Leader confirming that they recognize leadership potential in you and are therefore happy for you to gain such a qualification in leadership.
Additional Modules
Upon completion of the starter pack modules, students may purchase the following additional modules individually or in sets:
Showing all 21 results
CLDC Set 2 – Transformational Churches
£100.00 -
CLDC Set 3 – The Anointed Work Of Kingdom Ministry
£100.00 -
CLDC Set 4 – A Strategy For Sustainability
£100.00 -
CLDC Set 5 – Creating an Apostolic People
£125.00 -
CLDC M2 – Discovering Your Unique Identity and Your Place in the Body of Christ
£30.00 -
CLDC M4 – How To Build A Dream Team That Functions Within It’s Corporate Prophetic Foundation
£30.00 -
CLDC M5 – The Essence of Jesus’ Church and How It serves the Kingdom
£30.00 -
CLDC M6 – Global Perspectives and the Restoration of Apostolic Ministry. How it affects us as Kingdom Leaders
£30.00 -
CLDC M9 – Protecting and Managing Your Personal Boundaries
£30.00 -
CLDC M10 – The Heart Dynamics And Practicalities Involved In Relational Leadership
£30.00 -
CLDC M11 – God’s Organic Methods of Causing People to Grow
£30.00 -
CLDC M12 – How To Engage Yourself And Others In Authentic Prophetic Activity
£30.00 -
CLDC M13 – Preparing For The Battle / Maintaining The Victory
£30.00 -
CLDC M14 – The true nature of Kingdom Worship
£30.00 -
CLDC M15 – Prioritising and managing time
£30.00 -
CLDC M16 – Biblical Prosperity And Pathways To Financial Freedom
£30.00 -
CLDC M17 – Becoming a ‘3M’ Leader
£30.00 -
CLDC M18 – The Transforming Power of Vision
£30.00 -
CLDC M19 – First of two Workshops Exploring the 5-fold ministry Gifts of Ephesians 4:11
£30.00 -
CLDC M20 – Second of two workshops exploring the 5-fold ministry gifts of Ephesians 4:11
£30.00 -
CLDC M21 – Strategies for Managing Life Changes
What others have said about us
This is one of the most balanced and comprehensive leadership courses I have encountered.
The content of the course caused me to search my heart and evaluate it in light of God’s Word; it was deep and yet practical for everyday living.
The Caleb Leadership Development Course will allow you to find identify and grow the gifts and talents that God has given you.
I have gained so much confidence in my leadership at my church now that I know where I fit in.
This course showed me how to manage a church team which requires less of a natural and more of a supernatural approach.
This is a blessed course, delivered by a ministry of people moved by the Holy Spirit